12 April 2005
Civic Enterprise, tested solution to problems in higher education
This article underlines the necessity of entrepreneurship within the public sector, f
11 April 2005
Mastering the ABC of Education
Education is so fundamental in one’s upbringing that it is not an option to com
18 March 2005
Public Broadcasting Remit
Presented in this report are the various stipulations from European Law regarding the
18 November 2004
Financial Instruments of Government
Financial instruments provide governments with an effective method to shape society.
18 April 2004
Auctioning is increasingly becoming the mechanism of choice in allocating resources s
12 April 2004
Organizational design
Delivery of public goods by public and private organizations Until the seventies, bur
13 October 2003
Corporate Governance: 6 essential chances
Today’s changes in society demand professional governance structures. The pressures o
13 October 2003
EEN 6: The Strategic Value of Corporate Social Responsibility
This paper is an account of the presentation and discussion that took place at the co
12 May 2003
Privatization, a nine point checklist
The liberal view of economics has taken root in the large majority of the world. Conv
11 December 2002
Private Entrepreneurship in Health Care
How should we steer Health Care? And what are the role of, the incentives of and obst