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The Hospital of the Future
How will technological innovation change the organization of healthcare?

What will the hospital of the future be like?
How will demographic changes, technological innovation and the opening up of national healthcare sectors under influence of European law affect the organization of the hospital and the forces it is subject to?
These questions are addressed in the study ‘The Hospital of the Future’, an exploration of the healthcare sector in 2010 executed by Boer & Croon/ Public Space Foundation for the Dutch Hospital Association (NVZ). This study provides an insight in the choices that lay before hospitals now, in order to prepare themselves for the future in which national healthcare systems will be eroded.
What will the hospital of the future look like?
Based on an in depth analysis of all relevant trends (see appendix) and an international survey in ten countries we defined four, non-exclusive strategic paths to future change in the organization of hospital healthcare:
• The open and connected hospital
• Specialization in modular form
• The hospital as a high risk organization
• The hospital as a civil enterprise
“There are no magic cures, however, and each individual hospital will have to determine its own best path to success”
Download the full summary: Summary ‘hospital of future‘
Download our presentation ‘Hospital Care in 2010’ for the European council of hospital executive managers: Hospital Care in 2010