health care
disruptive citizenship
Lecture at EHMA (European Health Management Association) in Finland: Disruptive Patients and New Leadership in Health Care
Steven de Waal will lecture about his latest book: ‘Civil Leadership as the Future of
disruptive citizenship
Disruption of Healthcare: The rising power of patients – IndustryForum Healthcare – Switzerland
Organizations and politics need to change their attitude towards healthcare
Disruptive citizenship
Symposium Gesundheit von morgen: intelligent, global, leistungsorientiert – Berlin
Lecture ‘Disruption of Healthcare: Power of patients and impact on leadership‘
Disruptive citizenship
Disruption of Healthcare: The rising power of patients – IndustryForum Healthcare – Switzerland
Organizations and politics need to change their attitude towards healthcare
IndustryForum Healthcare ‘Power of patients and impact on leadership’ Munich
Lecture about how patients now have a direct channel for communication